+420 771 144 423

Architektonické štúdio so sídlom v Prahe

Naša prax siaha od rekonštrukcií existujúcich budov až po kompletné plánovanie a navrhovanie nových štvrtí a verejných priestorov. Zatiaľ čo naša práca je esteticky rôznorodá, naše projekty spája zameranie na zlepšovanie mestskej i urbánnej štruktúry prostredníctvom architektúry.

Ing. arch. Matus Pastorok


Matus has extensive experience working on large scale projects in Czech Republic and Slovakia as well as overseas (Canada, Italy).

After graduading from Czech Technical University during which he interned at Renzo Piano Building workshop in Paris, he has briefly worked in Venice Italy with Map Studio Architetti working on competition projects mainly in Switzerland Ticino region, after which he moved back to Prague to work with Bogle Architects and worked on multiple projects in various stages but he was mainly in charge of Brit headquarters in Chrastany that he was the project architect for from concept design stage until completion. After BA Matus moved to Canada where he worked with BSN Architects in Toronto. Projects here include Laneway Housing pilot project for University of Toronto that won Canadian Green Building award or adaptive reuse of F.M. Woods Waterwarks building that won a Liutenant Governor’s Ontario Heritage Award.

In 2019 he establishes MPA, working on various scale projects ranging from interior design to city municipal building refurbishment in Slovakia (Nededza) as well as urban planning.

Šárka Morozová

Office Manager

Klára Kubíčková

Project Designer

Nina Šujanová

Intern Architect

Natalie Vedralová

Intern Architect


Řipská 25
130 00 Praha
Česká republika

Zobraziť na mape
+420 771 144 423


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